Creating Your Own 6-Figure Workshops Business Just Got Much Easier!

My 'Wealthy with Workshops' program is a crystal-clear system that helps coaches, mentors, and consultants launch a high-profit online workshops business in 60 days... without complex marketing or expensive software!

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"Wealthy with Workshops" Cheatset & Video

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Hi, I'm Mark

I've been running online marketing and sales for consultancy, training and services businesses, nationally and internationally, for 19 years.

Now, my focus is helping experts like you create and grow your own successful online workshops business, from the ground up!

Turn your 1-to-1 expertise into an impactful workshops business, and scale your impact, income and freedom


  • Unclear how to start or sell a high-profit workshops business
  • Overwhelm choosing the right niche, software or pricing


  • Simple fast path to build and sell high-profit workshops online
  • Easy profitable methods for your targeting, tech and pricing

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Cheatsheet & Video

Receive the cheatsheet and training on the proven steps to create and sell your high-profit online workshops business.

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'Wealthy with Workshops'

Join the fast track to take your online workshops business to 6-figures, even if you have no tech or workshops ready >

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